Small Business Guide – How to Market Your Business With Facebook

Normally small business owners do not own a big marketing budget. Social Media, and thus community building approaches in the internet, might help you to increase your reach, and they might help you to market your products better.

Small Business Guide

In the New York Times I found a comprehensive guide, which helps you to understand this technologies. Here one example:

„Mr. Meyer, a wedding photographer in Woodbury, Minn., had had little luck with traditional advertising. A full-page ad in a bridal magazine generated zero leads and a trade show yielded only four bookings, barely covering the cost of his booth. But Facebook proved a digital bonanza.

Mr. Meyer aimed at women ages 22 to 28 who listed their martial status as engaged in the Minneapolis-St. Paul metropolitan area. He estimates that he has spent about $300 on Facebook ads in the last two years and has generated more than $60,000 in business. He says about three-quarters of his clients now come to him through Facebook, either from ads or recommendations from friends.

“I’d be out of business if I didn’t have Facebook,” Mr. Meyer said. “Especially with this economy, I need to stretch each marketing dollar as much as I possibly can.” → How to Market Your Business With Facebook

Mr. Meyer has implemented a small homepage in facebook, and uses this homepage to look for customers within a defined target group. Experiences show that the focus of such activities should be on the level of relationship, and it should not focus on the sales. Once you have created your own fan base by attracting them with content, sales follows automatically.

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Foto: Courtesy NASA/JPL-Caltech.

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